What can you do yourself?
The "fertility window" is a 6-day period that ends at the time of ovulation. The probability of getting pregnant is highest in the last 3 days before ovulation. Ovulation takes place 14 days before menstruation occurs. It is recommended to have intercourse every other day after menstruation until after ovulation and no special intercourse positions increase the chance of pregnancy.
Age and obesity reduce fertility. Being underweight can also be unfortunate.
Smoking, more than 2 units of alcohol per day and more than 5 cups of coffee per day can also make it take longer to get pregnant.
It is recommended that all women trying to become pregnant use folate supplements to reduce the risk of spina bifida in the child. Supplementation of omega 3 is probably beneficial before and during pregnancy.
Several studies indicate that a healthy lifestyle and a good diet with lots of seafood increase the chance of becoming pregnant.
Poor sperm quality is often difficult to explain, but obesity, consumption of anabolic steroids, high consumption of alcohol and an unhealthy lifestyle are negative factors. Too much heat around the testicles is also unfavorable (frequent hot baths, tight clothing)
What should be done at the doctor's
Blood samples should be taken from her, preferably at the beginning of a period. Recommended blood tests: FSH, LH, estradiol, AMH, prolactin, SHBG, testosterone, TSH, FT4 and vitamin D.
The man must submit a semen sample
The couple is seen by a gynecologist for a comprehensive assessment.