Irregular periods and prolonged bleeding
About the condition
This is usually due to problems with ovulation. It is normal to ovulate about once a month. After ovulation, the ovary secretes the hormone progesterone for about 14 days. This hormone "dissolves" the blood that has accumulated in the uterus, and when the progesterone naturally falls after about 14 days, the blood "dissolves" and you get your period.
Many women may experience that the body sometimes "skips" ovulation. Menstruation is then often irregular, and the next period may last a long time and you may have light bleeding between periods.
Absent or less frequent ovulation is very common in the first years of menstruation. Other common causes:
Stress, exercise, eating disorders
Weight gain, PCOS, metabolic disorders, kidney or liver disease
Medicines such as prednisolone and antidepressant medicines
Onset of menopause
What should be done at the doctor?
1) To find the cause, blood samples should be taken. The most important blood tests that should be taken are: TSH, Ft4, LH, FSH, Estradiol, prolactin, vitamin D.
2) Ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries is often useful.
3) The doctor/gynaecologist must assess whether it should be sampled from the uterus. This is especially important if you have bleeding between periods.